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Request New Service at a Property with Existing Service

Below you'll find out how to request new 4” and larger services, private fire protection services, hydrants and main extensions for new developments.

  1. Developer to meet with appropriate Fire Department to coordinate fire flow requirements for new development.
  2. Developer to contact Water Services Administration Department to request new service.  Developer to provide hard and soft copy of improvement plans, fire sprinkler plans, fire flow requirements and hydrant spotting plan, construction schedule, engineering deposit and completed SJW Questionnaires for each requested service.  Once all items are received, engineering design takes approximately 12 weeks and includes the following steps:   
    1. SJW Planning Department uses hydraulic modeling to determine new facilities necessary to meet project fire flow requirements.
    2. SJW Water Services Engineering Department prepares construction drawings, cost estimate and determines backflow requirements.
    3. Water Services Administration prepares a construction agreement for the applicant with a cover letter explaining the procedure necessary to get the proposed water facilities constructed.
  3. Developer returns executed agreements and estimated cost less engineering deposit.
  4. SJW reviews approved plans, applies for utility encroachment permits, finalizes any easements (if needed), secures labor and materials.  This takes approximately 8-12 weeks and then construction of new water facilities is completed.