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Helping the Community Conserve

San Jose Water takes the conservation message into the community through outreach at community events, school programs, and civic presentations. Our water conservation experts are eager to talk with organizations about the power and importance of preserving our precious water resources and we believe it's never too early to get kids thinking about their role in helping to save water. If you are hosting a community event, festival, or educational program and you would like San Jose Water's involvement, please contact us at outreach@sjwater.com with details. If you are interested in catching San Jose Water at one of our annual hosted events, contact us for free tickets to attend our Water Appreciation Night in the fall at one of San Jose State University's football games or for Water Awareness Night at one of San Jose Giant's baseball games.

Water Recycling

San Jose Water continues its commitment to conservation and reduced wastewater flows through our active involvement in the South Bay Water Recycling Program in which treated wastewater is used to irrigate large landscape areas and other non-potable applications. In the SJW service area, several hundred million gallons of recycled water are used annually preserving our precious drinking water supply for potable uses. For more information specifically about recycled water or connecting to our purple pipe network, call (408) 918-7343 or email us at recycledwater@sjwater.com

Want More Conservation Information?

Please contact our Conservation Department, at (408) 918-7264 or email conservation@sjwater.com.
