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Water Main Break - Villa Avenue, Los Gatos


Update, Nov. 14, 2022 12:15 PM

If you'd like to file a claim related to the Villa Ave. leak, please visit the following page for more details. www.sjwater.com/villa-ave-leak-claims-process  

Update, October 24, 2022 4:10 PM

The boil water notice for your neighborhood has been lifted. San Jose Water has done extensive water quality sampling and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water has approved the lifting of the notice.

After the repair of the water main break, you may have questions.  

Should I flush my home’s pipes?

Run all taps for 2 minutes or until the water runs cold before consuming for the first time.

What should I do with ice or beverages made during the boil water notice?

All ice and beverages made with non-boiled water since the notice was issued should be discarded. If you have an ice-maker dispose of any ice made since the precautionary Boil Water Advisory. The next three batches of ice should also be discarded. 

Should I replace my home water filter after the event?

The CDC recommends discarding water filters after a boil water advisory. As a general health precaution, filters should be changed according to the regular schedule recommended by the manufacturer, as old filters can diminish water quality.

General questions about water quality, including taste and color, can be found at www.sjwater.com/customer-care/help-information/water-quality

Your understanding and patience during this main break are greatly appreciated. Our goal is to provide uninterrupted service with high quality water. Due to the main break, we were not able to meet that goal and we apologize for the inconvenience.

Update, Oct. 24, 2022 9:45 AM

The situation remains the same – the boil water notice is still in effect. We continue to take water samples to test. Bottled water is available at the Los Gatos Library at 100 Villa Ave. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Update: Oct. 23, 2022 4:00 PM

The situation remains the same – the boil water notice is still in effect. We continue to take water samples to test. Bottled water is available at the Los Gatos Library at 100 Villa Ave. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Update: October 23, 2022 10:00 AM

The situation remains the same – the boil water notice is still in effect. We continue to take water samples to test. Bottled water is available at the Los Gatos Library at 100 Villa Ave. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Update: October 22, 2022 9:30 AM 

San Jose Water’s boil water notice for residents in the Villa Avenue neighborhood remains in effect. This is a precautionary measure because of the interruption of your water supply.

While the water main is repaired, we continue to take samples to test the water quality. You will be notified when the boil water notice is lifted.

More info at www.sjwater.com/water-main-break-villa-avenue-los-gatos

Update: October 21, 2022 5:00 PM - A map of the area and a copy of the Boil Water Notice Doorhanger are available at https://www.sjwater.com/water-main-break-villa-avenue-los-gatos. The bottled water distribution area has moved to the Los Gatos Library at 100 Villa St., Los Gatos. 

Update: October 21, 2022  3:30 PM 

San Jose Water has issued a boil water advisory for residents in the Villa Avenue, Los Gatos neighborhood as a precautionary measure because of the interruption of your water supply this early morning. The geographical area includes Villa Avenue, parts of E. Main Street, Jackson Street, Oak Hill Way, Johnson Avenue, and Loma Alta Avenue. 

The State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water has been informed of this situation and is working with San Jose Water to ensure that public health is protected.

Failure to follow this advisory could result in stomach or intestinal illness.

The Division of Drinking water, in conjuction with San Jose Water, is advising residents to practice caution by using bottled water and ensuring that tap water used for drinking or cooking has been rapidly boiled for at least 5 minutes before use.

  • Water must reach a rolling boil for 5 minutes.
  • Let water cool before use.
  • Use bottled or boiled water for drinking, food and ice preparation, dish washing, tooth brushing.

The water remains safe to use for washing, cleaning, and showering.

We will inform you when tests show that water is safe to drink, and you no longer need to boil your water. We anticipate resolving the problem within 48 hours.

If you have questions about other uses of tap water, such as bathing and dish washing, please contact SJW or read this guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/emergency/dwa-comm-toolbox/before/tools/What-to-Do-During-a-Boil-Water-Advisory.docx

Thank you for your patience.

Map of Affected LG Main Break

Update: October 21, 2022 1:45 PM - The estimated repair time remains at 6 PM. Bottled water is available at Jackson Street and Villa Avenue. In addition, our team is delivering water door-to-door. Thank you for your patience! 

Update: October 21, 2022 11:30 AM - The repair time has been pushed back until 6 PM tonight. The main repairs should be done by 4 PM but it will take time get water flowing through all the nearby mains at full pressure. Our staff is onsite and bottled water is available. 

Oct. 21, 2022, 9:30 AM- We are aware of a water outage in the Villa Avenue area of Los Gatos. There was an emergency shutdown needed due to a construction incident that clipped a 16" water main. Multiple repair attempts have been made throughout the night. We anticipate the water service to be restored at 12 noon today. Our crews have been at the site throughout the night and will not leave until the repair is done. Our apologies for the inconvenience. We are working diligently to get everyone back in water service as soon as possible. Bottled water will be on site shortly and located near the intersection of Villa Avenue and Jackson Street.