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Lady Checking for Leaks

Checking for Toilet Leaks: It’s Important!

According to the EPA, American households waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water due to household leaks. And, of all the possible leaks, those from your toilet are the most common, wasting up to 72,000 gallons a year (smarthomewaterguide.org). Knowing how to find leaks can reduce water waste and lower your water bill.

Performing a dye test is an easy, quick, and affordable way to know whether your toilet is leaking. Sometimes a leak makes a hissing sounds, but not always.

Without performing a dye test, it can be easy to overlook a leak. All you need for the test is food coloring (found in the baking aisle of most food stores) or dye tablets.

Performing the test:

  1. Remove tank cover.
  2. Add dye tablet or a few drops of food coloring into tank.
  3. Wait 15 minutes (do not flush the toilet).
  4. If color appears in the toilet bowl, a leak is present and repairs must be made.


What do the results mean?

If color appeared in the toilet bowl, there are a couple of possible reasons why:

  1. Overflow Tube: If the water level in the tank is too high, the overflow tube drains the overflow into the toilet bowl. Water level should be adjusted to 1 inch below the top of the overflow tube.
  2. Flapper: Over time, the flapper will deteriorate and lose its seal. New flappers can be ordered for FREE at Valley Water’s store.

Here is a useful video of everything you need to know about performing a dye test. Visit Valley Water’s store for free dye tablets!