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SJW employees updating water pipe

System Improvements

San Jose Water is committed to providing safe, high-quality, reliable water. To ensure this, we continually invest in our system and upgrade older infrastructure.

Pipes have a useful life of 100 years or less. We have made a commitment to replace 1% of our system or 24 miles of pipes annually to meet that 100-year turnover. Over the past decade, we have invested more than $1 billion in capital infrastructure on behalf of the communities we serve.

Below is a summary of SJW’s infrastructure investment by community served for the period of 2013 through 2017, and separately for the General Rates Cases (GRC) 2018-2020 and 2021-2023.

For 2021-2023 General Rate Case Application


Jurisdiction Transmission & Distribution (T&D) Non-T&D or TBD Locations Total By Jurisdiction
Campbell $3,180,258    $4,057,826 $7,238,084
Cupertino $16,803,732    $2,432,242 $19,235,974
Los Gatos $15,824,142    $3,637,042 $19,461,184
Monte Sereno $595,502    $222,342 $817,844
San Jose $243,415,206    $54,599,660 $298,014,866
Saratoga $24,288,615    $3,411,240 $27,699,855
Unincorporated $59,256,245    $2,996,747 $62,252,992
Total $363,363,700    $71,357,099 $434,720,799


For 2018-2020 General Rate Case Application


Jurisdiction       Transmission/Distribution      Non-Mains Total By Jurisdiction
Campbell $7,857,304 $10,918,501.56 $18,775,805
Cupertino $11,690,435 $10,831,393.58 $22,521,828
Los Gatos $14,257,084 $9,439,601.61 $23,696,686
Monte Sereno $9,268,084 $1,036,584.98 $10,304,628
San Jose $92,894,008 $166,609,500.67   $259,503,509
Saratoga $24,825,396 $9,537,356.12 $34,362,752
Unincorporated $23,455,330 $9,353,461.49 $32,808,791
Total $184,247,600 $217,726,400    $401,974,000


For years 2013-2017


Jurisdiction      Transmission/Distribution      Non-Mains Total By Jurisdiction
Campbell $19,875,970 $12,170,837 $32,046,807
Cupertino $21,699,840 $12,073,738 $33,773,578
Los Gatos $24,583,421 $10,522,310 $35,105,731
Monte Sereno $1,785,076 $1,155,480 $2,940,555
San Jose $197,473,485 $185,719,356 $383,192,841
Saratoga $19,362,488 $10,631,276 $29,993,764
Unincorporated $17,669,536 $10,426,289 $28,095,825
Total $302,449,815 $242,699,286      $545,149,101