Each year, the Leadership students at Ida Price Middle School present ideas to vote on that will make a beneficial change for the school. Previous projects have included murals, gardens, time capsules, and plaques.

SJW crew installing one of the new filtered fountains
SJW crew installing one of the new water fountain upgrades

This year the Leadership class of Ida Price selected student Wyatt Tapia’s idea to install water filters at three water fountains around the school. Richard Tapia, Wyatt’s father and Field Service Supervisor at SJW was curious what inspired his son to want water filters for his school. When he talked to him about it, Richard uncovered that Wyatt had some very common misconceptions about tap water and what is safe to drink.

After a discussion with his son, Richard was able to pay a visit to the Leadership class at Ida Price Middle School and share more information about how water treatment works at San Jose Water. Richard explained that the water that comes from the tap in San Jose, including at Ida Price, is treated and cleaned by San Jose Water. Richard also explained how water travels through the distribution system, and all the different variables that can affect taste and odor. He reassured the students that the water from the tap is safe to drink, but it doesn’t mean the school couldn’t still benefit from further filter systems. It is very common to have a carbon filter installed at water fountains to reduce the taste of chlorine and other attributes water may pick up in old piping.

Richard Tapia with son receiving Shining Apple award
Richard Tapia with his son Wyatt receiving "Shining Apple" award for the water filter install.

Richard worked with SJW to purchase some retrofit filtration units and had them installed in the fountains at Ida Price. The students and faculty were appreciative not just for SJW’s efforts towards the filtration project, but also for educating them on how water filtration and treatment systems actually work in their community. SJW was recognized by the Cambrian School Board with the “Shining Apple” award, which is awarded to district volunteers.

San Jose Water is grateful for the opportunity to work directly with students on water treatment and education. Moments like this can be the first spark in inspiring students towards future careers in water. We’re thankful to Richard and his son for getting involved in the water service and treatment in their own community!