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Lead is rarely found in surface water (lakes, streams) and groundwater (aquifers, wells). The primary way lead enters tap water is when the water comes in contact with lead service lines or household plumbing (pipes, faucets) made with lead.

What are the sources of lead?

While water can be one source of lead, it can also be found in dust, paint, and soil in and around homes. For more information on all sources of lead visit: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/prevention/sources.htm

Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials that contain lead corrode, especially where the water has high acidity or low mineral content that corrodes pipes and fixtures. San Jose Water has a high mineral content in the water which helps to protect the water from interacting with any potential lead sources. While San Jose Water does not have any lead service lines in the distribution system, there are some homes that potentially have a lead gooseneck (see graphic below). We are working to replace all homes that might potentially have a lead gooseneck.


What are the risks?

Infants and children who drink water containing lead in excess of the action level (15ppb) could experience delays in their physical or mental development. Children could show slight deficits in attention span and learning abilities. Adults who drink water containing lead in excess of the action level over many years could develop kidney problems or high blood pressure.

For more information on the risks please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/prevention/health-effects.htm

What are we doing?

San Jose Water has an extensive program of water quality protection that includes land ownership, watershed inspections, and source water quality monitoring.

In addition, regular water quality testing is done in our service area which continues to show that the water delivered to our customers is in compliance with state and federal drinking water standards and is safe to drink.

Our water quality testing data is reviewed regularly for potential changes or trends and any customer water quality complaint is escalated to professionals in our water quality team.

San Jose Water also monitors for lead and copper at customers’ homes in accordance to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR). All of the data, excluding addresses can be found on the State Division of Drinking Water’s (DDW) data portal: https://sdwis.waterboards.ca.gov/PDWW/JSP/AllPbCuResults.jsp?tinwsys_is_number=4358&tinwsys_st_code=CA&Chem=25

In November 2021, San Jose Water sent out letters to all customer who potentially have a lead gooseneck based on our service records and the age of the home. We are working to replace all of these potential lead goosenecks within the next 10 years. In the meantime, we are providing a complimentary lead test to those who wish to confirm there aren’t elevated levels of lead in their home. Please call customer service for more details (408) 279-7900.

What can customers do?

Visit https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/prevention/sources.htm to learn more about keeping your home free from lead. Enter your address below to see if your home potentially had a lead gooseneck. If it does, feel free to call customer service at (408) 279-7900 for information on how to get a complimentary lead test.

Where can I find more resources?



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